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The Mystery of Meresamun’s Death

„Yeah, yeahh, ohh you’re amazing!! We love you!!!! You’re the best!!!!“ cried crowd of people to one beautiful young woman. She was so wonderful and her voice was incredibly perfect. She wasn’t only famous singer, she was also very successful and influential priestess. Name of this resounding artist is Meresamun.

“She lives for Amun” => this sentence was on her casket. It means that her life was very affected by god Amun. When she was 23 years old she had dream, dream about her and Amun. Meresamun thought that Amun said she had to eat opium every day and then she will be really happy and her soul will be also blessed. She could affort everything what she wanted because she was very rich but she didn´t feel satisfied with her life. She believed in her dream about opium and she started to eat opium. But she ate it underhand, because she didn’t want to divide with other people of this secret with god. Meresamun didn’t know about effects of this drug and she considered changes in her perception of the world as  Amun’s miracles. So she happily continued in this way of life. All people from Thebes, her hometown, thought that Meresamun is holy, perfect, without any mistakes. After, all information about her sunny and holy life knew everyone in ancient Egypt. And all people respected her. She was still so healthy, full energy, happy, beautiful and her voice was wonderful…

7 years later, when Meresamun was 30 years old, she didn’t feel so fit, she found that opium isn’t so good for her, she realized that this was such a big mistake doing this and it was only dream which will kill her now. That was right, when she came home from concert, she died with swollen neck, nobody didn’t know why……





Milovaná sebcom


Cez tŕne v oku pozerám sa späť, nevidím už nič, pád náhle vystriedal ten let. Z tmavého kúta vytiahol si ma na javisko, kde oťapená láskou, zahrala som druhé husle. Presvetlil si mi život, oslnil ma krásou. Stala som sa pred tebou úplne nemou a bosou. Myslela som, že spoločne dôjdeme až na samý vrchol, no potom si moje nohy, bez varovania, len tvrdo [...]



Po týždni opäť spolu; posadila si nás teta káva za jeden stôl. Každá nesie si svoje vrece bôľu, no úsmev z pier stále nezmizol. … Pred nami, vrtí sa duch večného nápoja a my, pripravené utopiť v ňom pár špinavých slov, dúfajúc, že nám bolesť aspoň dočasne ukoja, posielame vlastnú súdnosť domov. … A obetavá káva len nasáva zlo z ľudstva, [...]

Chýbaš mi


Neprejde deň, kedy by som aspoň jednu myšlienku nevenovala Tebe, hoci len maličkú, hoci len na sekundu. Neprestávaš blúdiť mojim svetom, napriek tomu, že doň už nepatríš, sama som tvoj vlak odstavila a teraz len nemo čakám na prázdnej stanici.


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